지역공동체의 발전과 풀뿌리공익활동 활성화 지역 사회에 대한 시민의 가치를 모으고 사회문제를 해결하는 공간
공익활동에 대한 역량과 자원을 나누고 교류하는 플랫폼


2227번 게시글
2015 광주인권상 후보자 추천공고(~2.27)
작성일 : 2015-01-19     조회 : 510

2015 광주인권상 후보자 추천공고


□ 2015 광주인권상

· 광주인권상은 ‘오월 시민상(1991~1999)’과 ‘윤상원 상(1991~1999)’이 통합되어 그 취지를 계승하고 인권과 통일, 인류의 평화를 위해 지대한 공헌을 한 현존하는 국내외 인사 또는 단체를 시상함으로써 5·18민주화운동 정신을 널리 선양하고자 2000년에 제정되었습니다. 현재까지 14명의 인사(공동수상자 포함)와 1개의 단체가 수상자로 선정되었습니다.

· 광주인권상 수상자는 1명의 개인 및 단체를 선정하며, 개인일 경우 2명의 공동수상자를 선정할 수 있습니다. 후보자 추천은 2015년 2월 27일까지이며, 후보자 검증회의와 광주인권상 심사위원회는 3~4월에 개최됩니다. 광주인권상 수상자 발표는 4월 중으로 발표됩니다. 2015 광주인권상 시상식은 2015년 5월 18일에 5·18기념문화관에서 개최됩니다.


□ 2015 광주인권상 특별상

· 5·18기념재단에서는 지난 2011년 광주인권상 시상사업 평가를 통해 광주인권상 특별상을 제정하였습니다. 광주인권상 특별상은 매 2년마다 인권증진과 민주주의 발전을 위해 노력한 언론인, 문화예술인, 작가 및 기타 이를 지원하고 후원한 인사들에게 시상됩니다. 광주인권상 특별상 수상자에게도 상금(미화 1만불)과 상패가 주어지며, 광주인권상 시상식에서 함께 시상됩니다. 특별상 후보자 추천서 양식은 광주인권상 후보자 추천양식과 동일하게 사용됩니다.


□ 광주인권상, 광주인권상 특별상 후보자 자격

· 개인 혹은 단체 중 민주주의 발전, 인권증진 그리고 평화를 위해 헌신해온 인사

· 개인 혹은 단체 중 시민사회 활동을 통해 민주주의 발전과 인권증진에 기여한 인사

※ 후보자(단체)는 스스로 후보자로 추천할 수 없으며 동일한 단체에서 소속인사를 추천할 수 없습니다.


□ 광주인권상 심사위원회 심사방침

· 공동수상자는 심사위원회에서만 결정할 수 있으며, 추천인에 의해 결정되지 않습니다. 추천인은 1명의 후보자만 추천할 수 있습니다.

· 추천인은 후보자만 추천할 수 있고, 심사위원회의 결정에 어떠한 영향도 줄 수 없습니다.

심사위원회는 추천된 후보자 수만 공개하고, 후보자 및 추천내용에 대해 공개하지 않습니다.


□ 후보자 추천마감

· 2015년 2월 27일 후보자 추천이 마감되며, 우편접수일 경우 마감일자 소인분 까지 유효합니다.


□ 시상내용 및 기타사항

· 수상자에게는 미화 5만불과 금장메달, 상장이 수여됩니다.

· 수상자는 공식기자회견과 시상식, 그리고 2015년 5월 19일에 개최되는 광주인권상 축하음악회에 참석하게 됩니다.


□ 2015 광주인권상 세부일정

· 2014년 12월 : 2015년 광주인권상 후보자 추천 공고시작

· 2015년 2월 27일 : 후보자 추천마감

· 2015년 3월 : 후보자 추천내용 조사, 후보자 검증회의

· 2015년 4월 : 광주인권상 심사위원회, 수상자발표 기자회견

· 2015년 5월 18일 : 2015 광주인권상 시상식



□ 관련문의

· 5·18기념재단 교류연대팀(www.518.org)

- 광주광역시 서구 내방로 152 5·18기념문화관 1층

- 전화 (062)360 0520, 전송 (062)360 0519

- 2015년 광주인권상 후보자 추천서.hwp

- 이메일 : gwangjuprize@gmail.com


□ 광주인권상 역대 수상자

· 2000년 : 사나나 구스마오 티모르저항민족회의 의장

· 2001년 : 바실 페르난도 아시아인권위원회(AHRC) 상임대표

· 2002년 : 전국민족민주유가족협의회(한국)

· 2003년 : 단데니야 G. 자얀티 스리랑카 실종자기념회 사무총장

· 2004년 : 아웅산 수찌 버마(미얀마) NLD 사무총장

· 2005년 : 와르다 하피즈 인도네시아 UPC 사무총장

· 2006년(공동수상) : 앙까나 닐라빠이짓 태국 인권활동가, 말라라이 조야 아프가니스탄 국회의원

· 2007년(공동수상) : 이롬 샤밀라, 레닌 라구와니쉬 인도 인권활동가

· 2008년 : 무니르 말리크 파키스탄 인권변호사

· 2009년 : 민꼬나잉 버마 민주화운동가

· 2010년 : 수실 퍄큐렐 네팔 인권운동가

· 2011년 : 비나약 센 인도 인권운동가

· 2012년 : 문정현 신부(한국)

· 2013년 : 망각과 침묵에 대항하여 정체성과 정의를 위해 싸우는 아들‧딸들 / 아르헨티나

· 2014년(공동수상) : 하바란의 어머니들 / 이란, 아딜루 라만 칸 인권운동가 / 방글라데시


□ 광주인권상 특별상 수상자(수상단체)

· 2011년 : 평화를 위한 이스라엘 팔레스타인 유가족협회

· 2013년 : 주간지 ‘템포’ / 인도네시아

The Gwangju Prize for  Human Rights 2015
The Gwangju Prize for Human Rights 2015

Every year since 2000, the May 18 Memorial Foundation (Gwangju, Republic of Korea) has announced its annual “Call for nominations for the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights”. This Prize promotes the spirit of the May 18 Democratization Movement in which the people of Gwangju resisted against brutal military forces for the sake of Democracy and Human Rights in 1980. Historically the May 18 Democratization Movement brought democracy to Korea.

The May 18 Memorial Foundation was founded in 1994 with the aim of spreading and commemorating the democratic spirit shown by the people of Gwangju. In the course of restoring the meaning of the May 18 Democratization Movement through fact finding, and bringing the perpetrators to justice, even though Gwangju was isolated by the military junta many overseas countries supported the City and wanted to see the restoration of justice and human rights. Therefore, through this prize the May 18 Memorial Foundation would like to share and empathize with people in similar situations to that which the people of Gwangju faced in 1980.

The prize goes to one individual or an organization that has struggled for or contributed to the improvement and advancement of human rights, democracy and peace in their community and country.

Nominations will be collected from December 29, 2014 to February 27, 2015. Preliminary and final reviews of nominees will take place through February to March. The winner of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights will be announced on the first week of April. The official prize ceremony will be held at the May 18 Memorial Culture Center, Gwangju, on May 18, 2015.

The Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award
In 2011, the May 18 Memorial Foundation newly established the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award. Since the time that the Foundation began awarding the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, we have received many requests to establish a special prize for those who work for the improvement of human rights by the means of journalism, culture, literature, and many other fields. The special prize is provided every 2 years. The prize winner will also receive prize money (10,000 USD) and a certificate at the same Awards ceremony. Nominators can use the same nomination form as that of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights. Please select one of options (Gwangju Prize for Human Rights/Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award) on the application form.

Eligibility for the Prize
1) A person or group eligible for the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights nominated by another individual or organization. An individual cannot nominate him/herself and cannot be nominated by his/her own organization.
2) A person or group who has been struggling for justice and democracy for their community and country.
3) A person or group who has contributed towards democracy and human rights movements through their work in their organization.

Policy of the Prize Committee
1) Co-winners may only be selected by the Prize Committee, not by nominators; a nominator can only submit 1 nominee.
2) Nominators cannot interfere with or participate in the Prize Committee’s selection process.
3) The Prize Committee may only disclose the amount of nominees, not the names of them.

Nomination Deadline
From December 29, 2014 until February 27, 2015

The Prize
The prize winner will receive the prize money, 50,000 USD, medal and certificate.
The prize winner of the special award will receive prize money, 10,000 USD, medal and certificate.
The Prize will be awarded at the Prize Ceremony to be held at the May 18 Memorial Culture Center, on May 18, 2015 and the winner should attend the Ceremony. 
The prize winner is expected to attend a press conference and a Special Celebration Concert.

How to nominate the Prize Nominee
Please download the official nomination form, fill it out completely, and send it to the May 18 Memorial Foundation with supporting documents by email or post.
Email address: gwangjuprize@gmail.com
Postal address: 520-260 Naebangro 152 5.18 Memorial Culture Center Seo-gu Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Contact Information
Solidarity Team
The May 18 Memorial Foundation
Postcode 520-260 Naebangro 152 5.18 Memorial Culture Center Seo-gu Gwangju, Republic of Korea
Phone: +82 62 360 0520
Fax: +82 62 360 0519
Please visit our website for the latest announcements at http://eng.518.org

Laureates of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights
2000 Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão (National Council of Timorese Resistance, East Timor)
2001 W.P.J. Basil Fernando (Asian Human Rights Commission, Sri Lanka)
2002 Korea Association of Bereaved Families for Democracy (KABFD)
2003 Dandeniya Jayanthi (Monument for the Disappeared, Sri Lanka)
2004 Aung San Suu Kyi (National League for Democracy, Burma)
2005 Wardah Hafiz (Urban Poor Consortium, Indonesia)
2006 Malalai Joya (Co-laureate, National Assembly, Afghanistan)
Angkhana Neelapaijit (Co-laureate, Human Rights Activist, Thailand)
2007 Lenin Raghuvanshi (Co-laureate, People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights, India)
Irom Sharmila Chanu (Co-laureate, Human Rights Activist, Manipur, India)
2008 Munir Malik (Human Rights Lawyer, Pakistan)
2009 Min Ko Naing (Democracy Movement Activist, Burma)
2010 Sushil Pyakurel (Accountability Watch Committee, Nepal)
2011 Binayak Sen (Human Rights Activist, India)
2012 Mun Jeong Hyun (Catholic Priest, Republic of Korea)
2013 Hijos e Hijas por la Identidad y la Justicia contra el Olvido y el Silencio (H.I.J.O.S., Argentina)
2014 Mothers of Khavaran (Co-laureate, Organization, Iran)
 Adilur Rahman Khan (Co-laureate, Human Rights Activist, Bangladesh)

Laureate of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award
2011 Parents Circle Families Forum - Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace (Israel and Palestine)
2013 Tempo Weekly Magazine (Indonesia)
FAQ for the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights

1. What is the eligibility for nominator?
 An individual or an organization that was awarded Yun Sang-won Award* and May 18 Citizen’s Award*;
 An individual or an organization that was awarded the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights or the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award;
 Domestic/international civil society organizations that were requested to nominate the Prize candidate by the May 18 Memorial Foundation;
 An individual or an organization that agrees to the purpose of the Prize*

* Yun Sang-won Award:
The Yun San-won Award, named after one of the leaders of the May 18 Democratization Movement, Yun Sang-won, who sacrificed himself on 27 May 1980 in the Gwangju Provincial Office, the last battle field, was established by those who engaged in Yun’s commemoration event and by the bereaved family of Yun to award one individual or one organization who struggled for the resolution of the May 18 Democratization Movement from 1991 to 1998.

* May 18 Citizen’s Award:
The May 18 Citizen’s Award was established in 1991 by Association of the Families of the May 18 Democratizatic Persons of Merit with the aim of nationalization of the May 18 spirit. The Prize went to one individual or one organization who was not directly linked to the Democratization Movement but who worked for revealing the truth of the Movement until 1998.

*Purpose of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights:
The Prize goes to one individual or an organization that has struggled for or contributed to the improvement and advancement of human rights, democracy and peace in their community and country. The Prize aims to promote the spirit of the May 18 Democratization Movement in which the people of Gwangju resisted against brutal military forces for the sake of democracy and human rights in 1980.

2. What is the referee?
The referee is someone who can endorse the Prize nomination submitted by a nominator. A nominator must designate one referee who knows well about the nominee and understand his/her/its main achievements.
When the May 18 Memorial Foundation needs further information or have any inquiry about the nominee it can contact both the nominator and the nominee.  

3. The nominee is not from Asia. Is he/she/it still eligible for the Prize?
The Prize goes to one individual or an organization that has struggled for or contributed to the improvement and advancement of human rights, democracy and peace in their community and country, regardless of his/her/its nationality.

4. Can I nominate the chairperson of the organization I work presently?
An individual cannot be nominated by his/her own organization.

5. What is the difference between the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights and the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award?
Both the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights and the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award goes to one individual or an organization that has struggled for or contributed to the improvement and advancement of human rights, democracy and peace in their community and country. In particular, the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Special Award is aimed at awarding one individual or an organization that has worked in the field of culture, art, journalism and research. 

6. Is it possible to nominate 1 nominee for both the GPHR and the GPHR Special Award?
A nominator can only choose 1 Prize and submit 1 nominee.

7. I have integral information on the nominee. However, I do not fully understand what kind of reference I should submit for nomination. Is it the reference of nominator’s organization or the reference of the nominee?
If the nominee is an individual the reference must focus on his/her major achievements and important activities rather than his/her organizational activities. If an individual’s work is deeply interlinked with his/her organization, nomination must describe his/her contribution to the organizational work in detail.

8. I have integral information regarding the nominee. However, some supporting documents are not written in English. Can I submit those items?
The nomination form and supporting documents must be submitted either Korean or English. It is highly appreciated if a nominator can provide supporting documents translated in English or Korean.

9. When is the public announcement of the Prize winner?
The Prize committee chooses a winner approximately after 60 days from the nomination deadline. The public announcement and press conference is usually held on April.

10. Should all documents be sent by both e-mail and post?
All documents should be sent either by email or post. If you send hard copies to the Foundation by post, please be sure you have included all requirements in one CD.

2227번 게시글의 이전글, 다음글
이전글 광주여성노동자회 제25차 정기총회 공고(1.27)
다음글 2015 비영리민간단체 공익활동 지원사업 설명회(1.20)